Joe Bailey/ WWUA Umpire Memorial TOURNAMENT
Tournament Date April 27-28
Age Group 12U -14U
Locations: Sera
Format: 5GG
Cost: $800
Payable to :NSA of WA
15109 45th Place W.
Lynnwood, WA 98087
Casey Zachery (360-631-8143)
or email: Monkmonkcz@aol.com
Dale Gellner (425) 330-1000
Casey Zachery (360-631-8143)
or email: Monkmonkcz@aol.com
No Gate admissions this year
KB Fastpitch 10U
Laces FP 10U
10U Mavericks Beebe online
Absolute Blast 10U Trueblood
Fearless 10U
SFC Surge 10U
Laces FP 12U
Ladyhawks Riley
KB 12U - 2013 Purple
Absolute Blast 12U Wiggins
Fearless 12U
12u Lady Mavs - Klein - 2012
Washington Acers 2012 12u
SFC Spartans 14u black
14U Diamond Dusters Black
Merchants Gold 14U
Fraser Valley Fusion 2010
Stods Storm 14U
14U Fearless Fastpitch PP-online
Diamond Dusters Black
Park Rules
Facility rules are posted at each complex.
PROHIBITIED on MPT property:
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Drugs
• Animals or pets of any kind!
o Service animals ONLY will be accepted at our complexes.
o Ice chests/coolers will be allowed for youth tournaments only.
• Motorized and foot powered scooters
o Motorized scooters for disabled will be allowed.
• Drones
• Skateboards
• Skates and bicycles