Roster Guidelines For Adding and/or Releasing Players
Youth Rosters
Teams are required to play in a NSA Sanction League or a NSA Qualifying Tournament in order to play in the State Tournament. Unless approved by the National Office or Zone Office. The Official Roster signing date will be the day prior to the State Tournament or in the absence of a State Tournament the Roster will be frozen by the date of the State Tournament.
All player(s) shall be entered into the online NSA system to be eligible to play in any National Softball Association tournaments.
All player(s) regardless of age shall have a parent’s (or legal guardian) signature on the youth roster unless the player(s) are of legal age.
Player(s) are considered on the Official Roster when the parent/guardian have signed the roster.
All rosters shall be printed from the On-line System. No written in additions other than signatures shall be made unless approved by the appropriate State Director with approval of Zone Vice President. The appropriate State Director shall be responsible and required to contact the Tournament Director to rectify any late additions to the official tournament roster.
Roster is limited to twenty (20) players per roster. A release, injury, relocation or a player quitting the team does not open a new roster position. Only roster positions that were never occupied by a player(s) are eligible or open to add additional player(s). EXAMPLE. A team that has all twenty (20) positions filled on their roster shall not be able to add any additional player even though player(s) have been released, injured or quit.
Teams can add a maximum of two (2) players to the team roster prior to the State Tournament with the approval of the Zone Vice President and the State Director. A roster addition at the discretion of the State Director or above shall be allowed for injury or other legitimate reason after the cut-off date, but not at the tournament site. Player(s) additions must be added to the roster prior to the Tournament Entry deadline in the State Championship, NIT, and World Series.
Teams may add two (2) players before the World Series Tournament. Added player(s) must be of the same or lower class. Approval for a youth player(s) to play in the next highest age group must be obtained from the State Director or the Zone Vice President.
Players cannot play on two different AGE GROUPS with in the same organization. Example: Players cannot play on a 12u team and a 14u team on the same weekend.
Player(s) may be released one (1) time between: Aug. 1 – Dec. 31 and one (1) time between: Jan. 1 – Jul. 31. Player(s) playing in a higher age group may play down in the same season and must be eligible age wise.
1. Player(s) from a disbanded team do not lose their right of release or to be picked up by another team.
2. Player(s) may be released at anytime at the request of the team manager or parent/guardian with approval of their State Director before they participate with another team.
3. Player releases will be processed on Monday – Thursday. No Players will be released on Friday – Sunday.
4. Player(s) released from a team may rejoin the original team. The original team must provide the State Director with a written justification on why the player should be added back to the original roster.
Submitting Your Online Roster Instructions Go to PlayNSA.com.
Select: "COACHES" This can be found in the box at the top of the page displayed with a photo of a team coach.
Click on: "TEAM LOGIN" again in center menu Enter your Team Sanction Number and the Password.
Click on: "TEAM ROSTER".
Click on the blue "ADD A NEW PLAYER" link. Type in all information for your player and click SAVE.
When finished with all players click SUBMIT.